Sales & Pricing

Our lottery data feeds are priced as low as $150.00 U.S. per month and are based on the size of our customers, their reach and their intended use as well as the amount of lottery data they desire to license. Sample data feeds are available for review. Contact us today to learn more about our lottery data pricing.
Advertise With US

As the world's leading supplier of lottery data we also operate a network of over 50 lottery related web sites. We offer customized advertising packages that can deliver all forms of online advertising. Advertising packages start at under $200.00 a month. Contact us today to discuss our advertising opportunities.
Some Of Our Clients

Our lottery data feeds are used by small individual web publishers or application makers as well as by some of the largest digital publishers worldwide. Clients using our data feeds include DirecTV, USA Today, MSN, BING, AOL, ABC, FOX, Univision,, WRAL, Gray Television, and many others.